Caryn with granddaughter.
Caryn L. Aman, MA is a Jungian soul-centered therapist in private practice working with individuals, couples, and families. Caryn graduated from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, California with a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology, specializing in archetypal, depth, or Jungian soul-centered therapy. Caryn is also a certified Spiritual Director through the Franciscan Spiritual Center now located at 3159 Furman Drive, Marylhurst, Oregon 97036.
In 1994, after more than twenty-two years in the corporate world, Caryn left to follow her dreams and soul yearnings to develop a private practice creating space for individuals, couples, and families to explore, heal, and follow the soul's directions.
A deep appreciation and respect for the work of C. G. Jung, dreams, the unconscious and the wisdom of the body, combined with roots in music and voice, and a desire to help and guide others reclaiming their bodies, voices and souls, led Caryn intuitively, and by heart, to the BodySoul Rhythms (R) work of Marion Woodman, Jungian Analyst. Since an initial meeting in January 1992 at Pacifica, Caryn studied with Marion as a participant in BodySoul Rhythms (R) Intensives and as a member and graduate of the Marion Woodman Foundation Leadership Training Program.
Following a circuitous route and a seven-year process beginning in 2001, Caryn completed the Marion Woodman Foundation Leadership Training Program in 2008 and offers workshops, residential programs, and seminars as part of the BodySoul Community Workshop programs of the Marion Woodman Foundation. In October 2009, Caryn joined the Board of Directors for the Marion Woodman Foundation. After serving as a trustee for over a year, Caryn resigned as trustee in order to take on the position of Program Director for the Marion Woodman Foundation from January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2018.
Following a similar path with Spiritual Direction Training, Caryn began her training with Namaste' of Portland in 2009. At the end of the first year, and due to her work with the Marion Woodman Foundation, Spiritual Direction Training was put on hold until Fall 2016 when she returned to her training through the Franciscan Spiritual Center. Caryn graduated from that program June 9, 2018 and is now a Certified Spiritual Director. Caryn has found that Jungian work and Spiritual Direction work are complementary because it really is all soul work and part of the great Mystery. Caryn adheres to the motto: Wholeheartedly Supporting Soul.
As a single mother of 3 grown sons, past and present mother-in-law to 3 daughters-in-law, Nana to 11 grandchildren (including bonuses), sister to 3 siblings, aunt to 3 nephews, and having co-cared for both parents (now deceased), Caryn knows the challenges that face individuals, couples, and families in this day and age. Caryn strives to create a safe container allowing and encouraging transpersonal soul work and spiritual work while integrating personal insights and images arising from the unconscious. Following the guidance of her dreams and her own soul, Caryn continues her own personal exploration and work on the vertical path that has become the cornerstone for her work.
“I trust there is a healing process going on in my unconscious. If I can keep in touch with it, my life flows forward; I constantly open to what I could never have imagined.”